On Mon, 21 May 2012 21:04:44 +0200
Pacho Ramos <pa...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Looks like ebuilds not inheriting eutils directly even using epatch are
> a lot as I have seen running:
> grep inherit $(grep -r epatch */*/*.ebuild| cut -d: -f1) | grep -v
> eutils
> Maybe they should be checked and a repoman warning should be added when
> an ebuild is using epatch without inheriting eutils directly, otherwise
> this problem could reappear if some other eclass no longer inherit it in
> the future :-/

Maybe we should make eutils inheritance implicit so all ebuilds get epatch
and friends automatically.  Is there really that much overhead?  Or am I
missing something obvious?

fonts, gcc-porting
toolchain, wxwidgets
@ gentoo.org

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