I've haven't finished reading this thread so excuse if some points here
have been written already.

 1. You think that because you work everyday with gentoo on your own
variant should automatically grant you CVS access. This is _not_
possible. It has already been said, the only way to get access CVS is to
take on the quizzes and this is for far too many good reasons. If you
can't leave with that, then I'm sorry but imho things won't move on this
front in the foreseeable future.

 2. You don't like the attitude of devs playing with you on #gentoo-dev,
seriously, did you stay on this channel long enough to _not_ find how
devs are interacting together. We play with each other pretty much each
day and no-one takes offense (or at least not too often :D). Please
relax and hear the arguments not the playing.

I probably forgot some points I wanted to expose but these are the roots
of the rest I believe.
Gilles Dartiguelongue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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