Fabio Erculiani a écrit :
I might found around 150-200 bugs on (R)DEPEND. Take 200 on about 6500 packages we have in our repository, if I take 5 minutes each, I'd end up to take 16 hours.
Then open a reduced number of bugs, say one per portage category that has over 20 bugs and group the rest in a one or 2 other bug reports.
Then bug wranglers can start sifting through the list to see if you've been smoking crack or not and add relevant herds/arch teams/maintainers as CC to those bugs to get them fixed.
I've done this before on a much smaller scale (20+ packages) and others have too for other issues (eg. Flameeyes with WANT_AUTO* which started out as a huge list of 100+ packages) and this process has always worked fine so far.
> To build my previous list, I took about 30
minutes, it's not that big, but even that small. So, what I just wanted to try to build up is a fast lane.
Bugzilla is still the fastest lane around. We're not the LKML, bugzilla _is_ our primary tool.
When I say "I don't have time", it means that I can't waste my time fighting with some of you just because you have the knife in your hand and like to make fun of me.
Honestly, this is borderline paranoia. Most of us get bug reports from people we've never heard of, living in countries we've never been to, with ages and social backgrounds that we don't even know (or care) about.
And I have yet to see a Gentoo dev closing a bug as WONTFIXBECAUSEIDONTLIKEYOU. :)
BTW, It's funny to see the difference of attitudes from here and IRC, let me underline that :) So this is a neutral ground.
I'll add that Bugzilla is also very neutral, even more so than mailing lists AFAICS.
Cheers, Rémi -- gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list