Mike Auty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>       Could you please describe the problem you faced?  From the detail you
> gave, it sounds as though you might not have moved /etc/conf.d/cryptfs
> to /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt.

I had a problem. I moved /etc/conf.d/cryptfs to /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt, but
none of the encrypted mounts happened on re-boot. I found that running
'cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/hhh mountname' segfaulted (but cryptsetup
--help displayed help). But when I ran it using gdb (and using set args
to set the identical command line) it worked correctly. I will be
investigating more later, but for now I have re-emerged cryptsetup-luks
1.0.4-r3 and all works well again.
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