On Wednesday 15 August 2007 11:56:55 Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> On 11:15 Wed 15 Aug     , Mike Auty wrote:
> >     Could you please describe the problem you faced?  From the detail you
> > gave, it sounds as though you might not have moved /etc/conf.d/cryptfs
> > to /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt.  There's currently several ewarn lines saying
> > that this must be done before the package will continue to work.  The
> > idea is that the package should work with both baselayout-1.12 and
> > baselayout-2, so it therefore should not need hardmasking.
> Is there some reason you can't do this automatically in the ebuild? It
> ought not to hurt bl-1 compat to have two copies of the file.

fair point. I was thinking more about baselayout-2 migration when I wrote it. 
I'll have a look at it later and see what's the most sensible way of doing 

Benjamin Smee (strerror)
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