
On Wednesday 15 August 2007 12:26:32 Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> Yes, did it. And added dmcrypt to the boot runlevel.

don't unless you're running baselayout-2

> But it doesn't. While booting, the dmcrypt init script says it works on bl
> 2 only, mappings are not created. Why is this change needed anyway, the
> current mechanism works fine.

It does work, or rather it works for everyone else that's tested it and on my 
4 testbeds with setups from a password through to a usbdrive with keys gpg 
encrypted on it.

> The cryptsetup ebuild doesn't provide
> /lib/rcscripts/addons/dm-crypt-start.sh
> /lib/rcscripts/addons/dm-crypt-stop.sh

look at lines 80-83.

I'm not sure what you've done but it sounds like you have a few things 
confused. File a bug and I'll be happy to help.


Benjamin Smee (strerror)
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