Am Dienstag, 14. August 2007 schrieb ext Benjamin Smee:

I'm not a developer, but since I was already bitten by this, a few comments:

> >=cryptsetup-1.0.5 as -luks will be deprecated soon.

Don't do this until upgrading/replacing will be seemless.

> Those of you that use cryptsetup for mounting encrypted partitions will
> be glad to know that the new version also supports baselayout-2, mostly
> thanks to ikelos.

Shouldn't it have a hint, then. baselayout-2 is still hard masked and 
replacing cryptsetup-luks with cryptsetup made my laptop simply unbootable, 
because the mechanism for creating the mappuings has changed and the 
dmcrypt initscript just printed a message that it will only work with 
baselayout 2. But that was _way_ to late.

Please hard mask cryptsetup as long as baselayout 2 is, or fix it to work 
with bl 1, too.


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