On Tue, 7 Nov 2006 21:04:18 +0000 "Elfyn McBratney"
| I guess Wernfried is referring to Ciaran PGP signing his emails with a
| key that (I guess) still has his old @g.o address as a user ID on the
| key.

Mm. As far as I can see from [1] (second key, not the ebuild signing
one)... The key is listed as having both email addresses, with
@ciaranm.org first... Not sure that I can safely revuid the @g.o
address without causing problems for anyone trying to check anything
signed by the old uid... *shrug* If anyone can confirm for sure (as in,
not just guessing) that revuid won't break things then I'll use it...

In the mean time, sylpheed-claws shows my emails as "Good signature
from Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"...

1: http://pgp.rediris.es:11371/pks/lookup?search=ciaranm&op=vindex

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail                : ciaranm at ciaranm.org
Web                 : http://ciaranm.org/
as-needed is broken : http://ciaranm.org/show_post.pl?post_id=13

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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