Lance Albertson wrote: [Tue Nov 07 2006, 12:55:39AM CST]
> Personally, after skimming through this thread, I'd say leave it as is
> and stick with Kurt's decision. Our developers clearly have nothing
> better to do than rant on about something as trivial as this. I
> especially didn't like the "lets take this to the council first"
> approach. I'm with genone on the "I guess people can complain to the
> council every time emerge output changes" crap. I can't believe what I
> read on here...
> People, this whole thread is silly and a disgrace to our user base to
> even read. I'm half tempted to submit iggy's vote-devs-off-the-island
> GLEP :P (Thanks SpankY for reminding me about that).

With all due respect, I disagree.  My recollection was that the SPF
discussion was held well over a year ago, on a list that isn't archived,
so the rationale for using SPF isn't available for many of the devs who
have started raising questions about it.  Kurt's reply to those devs was
not particularly helpful.  (My suspicion is that Kurt figures that he's
been through all of these arguments before, and doesn't want to rehash
them yet again, but that misses the fact that many of our current devs
not only weren't part of that earlier discussion, but they have no
access to it, either.)  Your reply was  very helpful, but between Kurt's
closing of the bug and your response on -dev it appeared that infra was
essentially saying "We know best, we're not changing how we do things,
and we don't want to talk about it".  If that appearance were, in fact,
the reality, then appealing to the Council would seem to be perfectly

Grant Goodyear  
Gentoo Developer
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