On Thursday 04 May 2006 14:21, Jeff Rollin wrote:
> All,
> If I might weigh in at this late stage:
> How did we end up here in the first place? Isn't the point of ~arch
> that we can put stuff here that might WELL be unstable? Sure, we'll get
> lots of "I set my ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to ~arch and now my system is
> broken," messages, but if people are going to try ~arch, or Gentoo in
> general, despite warnings that it's "not for newbies" (and I have
> personal experience of this), we can't really stop them without turning
> the community into a fascist state, can we? Gentoo (like all projects)
> has a finite amount of developers, and if we spend to much time on
> ~arch then surely arch will suffer

Actually the testing keywords are not for unstable packages. If something 
is unstable it must be masked. If we however want to test our packaging 
we put it in ~arch. If something is in ~arch that means that it works for 
the packager, but that your mileage may vary. ~arch may sometimes have 
unexpected problems, especially involving migration from old versions to 
new versions. Actually most time is spent on ~arch, as there is where 
development happens. As a package is seen to be stable, then it gets 
promoted to arch. This is just a change of the keyword. The developer 
then goes on to newer versions of the package.


Paul de Vrieze
Gentoo Developer
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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