I think the problem is that Gentoo is falling into the same sandtrap the
Debian project has been mired in forever. "arch" and "~arch" are polarizing
into "stable, but horribly out of date", and "maybe it will work".

This leads to people trying to maintain a
frankenstinian /etc/portage/package.keywords file, constantly adding to it
and never knowing when things can be removed from it.

I would suggest opening a middle ground tag, where things can be moved to from
"~arch" when they work for reasonable configuration values, but still have
open bugs for some people.

That way, people who prefer stability over the latest features can run "arch",
and everyone who bitches about packages being out of date can run the middle
tag, and "~arch" can be kept for testing.
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

Or maybe we could move to a fixed release cycle. Debian uses 18 (?) months, but maybe a 3- or 6-month release cycle would suit us better


Argument against Linux number 6,033:

"...So this is like most Linux viruses. You have to download the virus yourself, become root, install it and then run it. Seems like a lot of work just to experience what you can get on Windows with a lot less trouble."

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