Grant Goodyear wrote:
> Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote: [Sun Jan 08 2006, 11:59:40AM CST]
>>I originally thought of putting it on my devspace, but using GuideXML
>>there is a bit tricky, at least for me (as xsltproc seems to refuse
>>working on the pure xml directly).
> I actually prefer devspace for these sorts of docs.  Every dev has their
> own space for that sort of thing, and they can use whatever
> easy-to-manage doc producing system that they want (within reason).
> Instead of "fixing" that problem, I think it would be better to fix the
> xsltproc issues you're having instead.  If you'll post what's happening
> to your doc, perhaps one of our trusty doc folks can help you out.

If there is something I can do on toucan to make things better, let me
know. I haven't heard much from anyone that something is broke about it.
I could setup gorg on toucan or something to make things better for such
things. Just create a bug so I can put it on my todo list.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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