On Sunday 08 January 2006 18:59, Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
>   Okay let's forget the flames and talk about something related to
> practical development today :)
Sigh ok no practical development at this come out as a discussion/flame again.

What I was thinking of is _not_:
- a wiki writable by users;
- a CVS writable by non-devs;
- a replacement for GuideXML (I like it);
- a way to replace GDP (I was thinking of dev-level documentation);

What I was thinking was instead:
- a place where things can be drafted up before GDP submission if they want to 
handle dev docs, too;
- a place where devs can put their own dev guides, without changing the style 
of the site from the one in main Gentoo site;
- a place that does not require the strict belonging to a project to put 
guides into.

I like GuideXML, so I have no problem with writing small-to-medium guides with 
it, RST would be fine, too, but I don't want it to be plain text or ViewCVS 
only, GuideXML is in style with the rest of the site and it has printable 
version available, and it's Googlable. ViewCVS is too "raw" for user viewing, 
and there might be users interested in those guides. And IIRC ciaranm said it 
took quite a while to render the devmanual from RST to HTML, would be 
difficult to sync hourly then.

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/
Gentoo/ALT lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE

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