Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> Lance Albertson wrote:

> | I understand the block was lifted for projects, but that doesn't mean
> | herds should all should fit underneath proj/.
> I agree. What I meant is that herds should be grouping together to form
> new projects if they don't fit in an existing one; not that they should
> create one project per herd.

But herd != project. They are two distinct things. There are a couple of
cases where they both are the same, but others where it isn't. For
example, what project would netmon fit under? They aren't actively
trying to create a specific idea inside of gentoo. To me that's one
thing that defines a project from a herd. A herd mainly deals with
organizing a group of ebuilds. I don't see how you can label every herd
into a project.

> | I think we should open up
> | a similar space just for herds.
> I disagree -- they should all be able to fit into some project.

See above.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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