Grant Goodyear wrote:
> Patrick Lauer wrote: [Mon Sep 12 2005, 04:29:45PM CDT]
>>>I'm not quite sure what you're adding.  GLEP 15 was approved quite some
>>>time ago.  "All" that remains is to finish up the implementation.
>>or rather move it from to "official" gentoo
>>infrastructure (?)
> Ah, I see.  To the best of my knowledge that just needs to be worked out
> w/ the GLEP 15 people and infra.  I dropped into -infra and they said
> that there's space for it, but that bug # 98282 lists a couple of
> contentious points.  (Also, the gentooexperimental scripts "about" page
> seems to suggest that their framework differs from the "official"
> version.)

A correction, the bug# is 98272.

This is correct. Last I knew port001 was working on a python based
version of this. If this has changed, we need to know about. Also,
before people go developing a new site that may potentially become an
official site, I would like to require them to submit an implementation
plan to the infra team via a bug or some other method. I don't want to
end up supporting every framework out there just because its cool. If
you're using something other than what we're currently using, I would
like to see justification for using it beyond "its a call framework".

Anyways, we have the space open for it, just haven't heard from port001
in a while about it.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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