Actually I think there is a lot of documentation and in itself it can be a bit 
daunting. Also for the committer request, it would be great if it could be 
streamlined by doing some kind of online form but there is the question of the 
digital signature that might be an issue.

Also, some of the optional fields such as the Apache ID or the project name 
should maybe be explained as less than optional. I’ve had the problem recently 
that committers filled the ICLA without the optional fields, and then the 
secretary asked for the ID and the project name. So this is putting additional 
work on the secretary which could be avoided.

In other words, it’s not that hard when you know the process, but when you’re 
learning it and want to do the right thing by not bothering mentors for 
everything, I think it is less straightforward than setting up an account on 
Github, which I think is what a lot of people are comparing the experience too 
(at least that’s the feedback I get usually).


> On 16 Oct 2018, at 10:06, Bertrand Delacretaz <> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 7:29 PM Benjamin Young <> wrote:
>> ...I've continued to reach out to other initial committers to get them 
>> through the
>> hoops here at Apache--which took <one of them> a few weeks of setup, 
>> reading, etc...
>> Mostly, I think folks find the process daunting. :-/...
> I'm curious what's so hard, maybe we aren't explaining things properly?
> IMO an initial or elected committer needs to choose an Apache ID,
> register their iCLA, wait for their account to be created, sign up to
> their project's dev (and maybe private) list and they're in business.
> Ok, for now they also need to create accounts on Jira and Confluence
> if the project uses that.
> Is this what's considered too hard, or did I miss something?
> -Bertrand
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