Hi -

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> On Oct 16, 2018, at 1:25 AM, Serge Huber <shu...@jahia.com> wrote:
> Actually I think there is a lot of documentation and in itself it can be a 
> bit daunting. Also for the committer request, it would be great if it could 
> be streamlined by doing some kind of online form but there is the question of 
> the digital signature that might be an issue.
> Also, some of the optional fields such as the Apache ID or the project name 
> should maybe be explained as less than optional. I’ve had the problem 
> recently that committers filled the ICLA without the optional fields, and 
> then the secretary asked for the ID and the project name. So this is putting 
> additional work on the secretary which could be avoided.
> In other words, it’s not that hard when you know the process, but when you’re 
> learning it and want to do the right thing by not bothering mentors for 
> everything, I think it is less straightforward than setting up an account on 
> Github, which I think is what a lot of people are comparing the experience 
> too (at least that’s the feedback I get usually).

Your Mentors are the ones who need to update the roster in Whimsy. It used to 
be only the VP Incubator.

If a Mentor is not helping drive onboarding then they aren’t engaged.


> Regards,
>  Serge… 
>> On 16 Oct 2018, at 10:06, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@codeconsult.ch> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 7:29 PM Benjamin Young <byo...@bigbluehat.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> ...I've continued to reach out to other initial committers to get them 
>>> through the
>>> hoops here at Apache--which took <one of them> a few weeks of setup, 
>>> reading, etc...
>>> Mostly, I think folks find the process daunting. :-/...
>> I'm curious what's so hard, maybe we aren't explaining things properly?
>> IMO an initial or elected committer needs to choose an Apache ID,
>> register their iCLA, wait for their account to be created, sign up to
>> their project's dev (and maybe private) list and they're in business.
>> Ok, for now they also need to create accounts on Jira and Confluence
>> if the project uses that.
>> Is this what's considered too hard, or did I miss something?
>> -Bertrand
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