On 16 Oct 2018, at 13:26, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:
> So, I took a stab at this, Work-In-Progress and what not:
> https://icla.live/

Rather neat.  I’d practice data-minimalisation right out of the gate though - 
as to not burden the ASF with data that becomes a liability.

E.g. drop the phone number.

Secondly - the first question -I’d be a lot clearer about the option to `hide’ 
this by providing a public name.

Perhaps pre-fill the public name with the full one - or ask the public name 
-first- and rephrase it - under what name  are you publicly known in the ASF 

For some countries - I’d keep the option open to simply print it and sign & 
scan and email.


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