> 4. The javascript source files in playground/app/src are missing the license header. They have a style that I do not recognize. Are these generated files? The first several lines of storage-demo.js: > > /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap > /******/ // The module cache > /******/ var installedModules = {}; > > /******/ // The require function > /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { > > /******/ // Check if module is in cache > /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) > /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
All js files under 'ios/' or 'android/' is generated files, which can be removed from source tarball. On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 10:24 AM, Niclas Hedhman <nic...@hedhman.org> wrote: > On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 9:22 AM, Craig Russell <apache....@gmail.com> > wrote: > > clr% find . -name "*.jar" > > ./android/playground/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar > > ./android/sdk/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar > > ./android/sdk/license/license-gradle-plugin-0.12.1.jar > > ./android/sdk/license/maven-license-plugin-1.10.b1.jar > > ./android/sdk/license/plexus-utils-3.0.24.jar > > ./android/weex_debug/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar > > ./android/weex_debug/libs/classes.jar > > ./scripts/apache-rat-0.12.jar > > > 1. These jar files are not source and must not appear in the source > release. > > These are convenience for building the system. Those who are overly > concerned and don't trust Apache project members, are free to build using > tools downloaded by themselves. I have argued that this will be changed to > a "only source code" approach in the future, but should not hinder a > release now. > > > 2. I appreciate the effort involved in compiling the > POSSIBLE-NOTICES-FOR-BIN-DIST. But looking into these dependencies I am > troubled by the difficulty actually finding the licenses of the projects. > > > > For example, the "possible notice" for animaitonjs (possible typo here) > refers to https://www.npmjs.com/package/animationjs from which it is > impossible (ok, perhaps possible but I could not find a link) to find the > actual project. > > > > References to npmjs in this entire file should be removed and replaced by > references to the home of the project. (Not relevant for this release > because the files are not actually being distributed.) > > And YET, the argument is that this file SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED AT ALL, so > that downstream packagers have to not only worry about what you are listing > above, BUT ALSO figuring out what to start looking for. For fak sake, > man.... Get a grip on reality! > > > 3. The java source files in android/commons/src are still in the > com.alibaba name space. Assuming that these are actually weex source files, > they must be repackaged to org.apache. > > YES, that is on purpose to avoid breaking compatibility with hundreds of > people using Weex in their projects right now. org.apache.weex namespace is > slated for a later release when compatibility is sacrificed. > > > 4. The javascript source files in playground/app/src are missing the > license header. They have a style that I do not recognize. Are these > generated files? The first several lines of storage-demo.js: > > > > /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap > > /******/ // The module cache > > /******/ var installedModules = {}; > > > > /******/ // The require function > > /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { > > > > /******/ // Check if module is in cache > > /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) > > /******/ return installedModules[moduleId]. > exports; > > I don't know about this one. > > > 5. The java files in playground/app/src/main/java_zxing are in the > com.google name space. They have a google license header. > > I have missed that one. But it is bundled source code from elsewhere, and > should be mentioned in top-level NOTICE, not only the localized one. > > Before you complain about the NOTICE and LICENSE in playground, that is due > to the intent that the playground/ is expected to be copied elsewhere as a > sample project that uses the Weex SDK. Hence its location there. > > > 6. The packages/weex-html5 contains LICENSE and NOTICE files. These > should be in the top level directory of the release. > > This one is less than clear cut. The content in packages/ will be uploaded > to npm registry, and the files in the directory will be moved there. There > is relatively little information (compared to Maven Central uploads) how > that is to be handled, since the content that is uploaded need to be part > of a source release. > > > 7. The scripts/rh contains LICENSE and NOTICE files. These should be in > the top level directory of the release. > > The scripts/ directory is mistakenly included in the dist. > > > 8. There is an executable file that doesn't belong: > > > > clr% ls -l start > > -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 clr staff 161 Apr 27 20:34 start > > What's the problem with "executable file"? It is a shell script, and since > when are we not allowed to ship that? > > Granted; lacking license header, but that is not your complaint. > > > 9. There is an executable gradlew in sdk/gradle that doesn't belong in a > source release. > > Port of your point 1, and gradlew is another shell script. ARE YOU SAYING > that shell scripts are not allowed in source distros? > > > 10. There are shared objects in sdk/libs that don't belong in a source > release. > > Alright, this is a issue that I am not convinced either way. I agree that > "doesn't belong", but on the other hand, the steps to set up (and get > working) the Android Native Development Kit (not talking about the Android > SDK) is substantial. By allowing these built binaries, we can avoid that > for most users, who normally never touch the NDK. By demanding that these > binaries are taken out, then you just condemned this project to produce a > Binary Release as well, which was not planned for this release. > > > 11. There are NOTICE and LICENSE files in ios/sdk that seem to be unix > executable files. > > clr% ls -l ios/sdk > > total 40 > > -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 clr staff 11343 Apr 27 20:34 LICENSE > > -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 clr staff 575 Apr 27 20:34 NOTICE > > An honest mistake, and shouldn't stop a release. > > > 12. The README.md doesn't tell me how to build/use org.apache.weex. The > first several lines refer to third-party projects from Alibaba and > cocoapods. How do I use the Apache project? > > Well, you just introduced more complexity in "using the project" with your > insistence on no binaries, and more so if your "no execute flag" is also > now not allowed. AFAIK, there is no obligation that the source distribution > must contain all details needed to build the project, only that it can be > built. But for you convenience; > > 1. Install Gradle and learn how to use it. > 2. Install Maven and learn how to use it. > 3. Install Android NDK and learn how to use it. > 4. Install Android SDK and learn how to use it. > 5. Install Xcode and learn how to use it. > 6. Install IOS SDK and learn how to use it. > 7. Build each part with the tool needed. > > > Cheers > -- > Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer > http://polygene.apache.org - New Energy for Java > -- sospartan Phone:13588488290 HangZhou