Yes. Current state 140000/ 303000 imported.

> Am 19.09.2016 um 00:03 schrieb Geertjan Wielenga 
> <>:
> This is the applicable repo to be cloning:
> hg clone
> See the related FAQ on the NetBeans Wiki:
> Gj
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 11:42 PM, Mark Struberg <>
> wrote:
>> quick update.
>> hg cloned it locally and now batch importing over here.
>> The hg clone took me 3 hours and the import is now running for 4 hours.
>> Maybe that is the problem why github failed.
>> I'm now at 89000/303000 in the import step.
>> If I succeed then I'll push it to github.
>> LieGrue,
>> strub
>>> On Sunday, 18 September 2016, 18:24, Mark Struberg
>> <> wrote:
>>>> btw, I tried to import the netbeans-core repo from hg into github and
>> it failed.
>>> Now trying to manually import it...
>>> Did anybody else do that?
>>> LieGrue,
>>> strub
>>>> On Sunday, 18 September 2016, 18:22, Dennis E. Hamilton
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> +1
>>>>>  -----Original Message-----
>>>>>  From: Greg Stein []
>>>>>  Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2016 00:46
>>>>>  To:
>>>>>  Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Apache NetBeans Incubator Proposal
>>>>>  On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Geertjan Wielenga <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Can we be specific about what info is needed, or what further
>>> details
>>>>>> specifically, before going into a vote for acceptance of the
>>> proposal?
>>>>>  My
>>>>>> concern is that each question we answer is answered by further
>>>>>  questions to
>>>>>> answer. Maybe we could do a phone conference with the NetBeans
>>>>>> infrastructure side together with the Apache infrastructure side.
>>>>>  Maybe we
>>>>>> can work through the infrastructure challenges during incubation.
>>>>>  Generally speaking, Apache would prefer to slow things down and use a
>>>>>  mailing list, rather than to have a phone conference. The email is
>>>>>  documented for everybody to review, to participate, and to record for
>>>>>  future examination. A phone conference probably wouldn't resolve
>>> many
>>>>>  questions/concerns anyway, simply because much of that comes from
>>>>>  considered thought. A phone call is "THINK NOW. RESPOND. OOPS.
>>>>>  YOUR
>>>>>  CHANCE." ... Mailing lists give people time to think.
>>>>>  There is no rush, no dates, no deadlines at the ASF. It may take
>>> longer
>>>>>  via
>>>>>  mailing lists, but it means that the larger community can be
>> involved,
>>>>>  can
>>>>>  review, and can be archived.
>>>>>  If one question turns into three ... well, that is deliberation. As
>>>>>  David
>>>>>  noted else-thread, we rarely get such a large, well-established
>>>>>  community
>>>>>  arriving at the Incubator. That necessitates a bit more inquiry than
>>>>>  most
>>>>>  other entrants receive. Layers of the onion get peeled, and new
>>>>>  questions
>>>>>  arrive. More layers unpeeled ...
>>>>>  And to point to the elephant in the room: I bet there are people
>>>>>  concerned
>>>>>  given the recent misadventures of AOO [and Oracle's donations of
>>> these
>>>>>  two
>>>>>  projects]. Personally, I think it is hogwash, and don't believe
>>> any
>>>>>  concern
>>>>>  applies here, as the communities and the userbase are very different.
>>>>>  BUT,
>>>>>  temporally, there is a conflation of the donations of these two
>>>>>  projects. I
>>>>>  suspect that will cause a few people to slow down and ask more
>>>>>  questions.
>>>>>  Cheers,
>>>>>  -g
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