On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Geertjan Wielenga < geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, > > Can we be specific about what info is needed, or what further details > specifically, before going into a vote for acceptance of the proposal? My > concern is that each question we answer is answered by further questions to > answer. Maybe we could do a phone conference with the NetBeans > infrastructure side together with the Apache infrastructure side. Maybe we > can work through the infrastructure challenges during incubation. > Generally speaking, Apache would prefer to slow things down and use a mailing list, rather than to have a phone conference. The email is documented for everybody to review, to participate, and to record for future examination. A phone conference probably wouldn't resolve many questions/concerns anyway, simply because much of that comes from considered thought. A phone call is "THINK NOW. RESPOND. OOPS. MISSED YOUR CHANCE." ... Mailing lists give people time to think. There is no rush, no dates, no deadlines at the ASF. It may take longer via mailing lists, but it means that the larger community can be involved, can review, and can be archived. If one question turns into three ... well, that is deliberation. As David noted else-thread, we rarely get such a large, well-established community arriving at the Incubator. That necessitates a bit more inquiry than most other entrants receive. Layers of the onion get peeled, and new questions arrive. More layers unpeeled ... And to point to the elephant in the room: I bet there are people concerned given the recent misadventures of AOO [and Oracle's donations of these two projects]. Personally, I think it is hogwash, and don't believe any concern applies here, as the communities and the userbase are very different. BUT, temporally, there is a conflation of the donations of these two projects. I suspect that will cause a few people to slow down and ask more questions. Cheers, -g