Ross, this makes sense. I'll follow up today and restart the vote
next week if the feedback is appropriate.


On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH)
<> wrote:
> That's all good and I'm certainly not suggesting it’s the wrong thing to do 
> (nor do I believe that was Bertrands opinion - he did say "for now").
> It's just that it should be a decision of the podling, not the IPMC. If the 
> podling doesn't agree then the IPMC might decide to go ahead anyway.
> Thanks, for the background.
> In answer to your question about what the email states, I suggest something 
> like this:
> HI NPandy folks,
> Is there any real chance of this podling building momentum and becoming a 
> viable Apache project?
> XXX and YYY, your mentors, have indicated to the IPMC that they believe this 
> is unlikely to happen and have recommended retirement of the podling.
> Unless there is a compelling reason not to do this then I (as IMPC chair) 
> will action this recommendation. If there is a strong case then nows the 
> chance to make it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of Roman 
> Shaposhnik
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 2:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Recommend retirement for NPanday poddling
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH) 
> <> wrote:
>> Mentors should raise the issue with the podling. If the mentors are
>> absent then maybe the problem doesn't lie with the podling but with our 
>> handling of it.
> The only active mentors left on the project seem to be of an opinion that 
> retiring is the best option at this point. I will let them comment 
> themselves, so I don't have to put words in their mouths, though.
>> A VOTE should be a formality used on the few occasions where our
>> bye-laws require them. It certainly should not, IMHO, be a stick to
>> wave in front of a struggling podling community (which I appreciate is
>> not the intention but it does look that way).
> The community was given plenty of chances and plenty of help was provided to 
> it (see my summary at the beginning of the thread). The community has between 
> 1-2 active mentor (Konstantin/Brett) . The problem is that it doesn't have 
> anything else.
> This is actually part of the reason I don't see a point of sending email to 
> their list, until we have something concrete we can communicate to them.
> That said -- emails are cheap, but let me ask you this, what should this 
> email state? What should it ask?
> Thanks,
> Roman.
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