Mentors should raise the issue with the podling. If the mentors are absent then maybe the problem doesn't lie with the podling but with our handling of it.
A VOTE should be a formality used on the few occasions where our bye-laws require them. It certainly should not, IMHO, be a stick to wave in front of a struggling podling community (which I appreciate is not the intention but it does look that way). Ross Sent from Windows Mail From: Roman Shaposhnik<> Sent: ?Thursday?, ?December? ?11?, ?2014 ?1?:?30? ?PM To:<> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 2:02 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz <> wrote: > On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <> wrote: >> This is a vote on recommending a retirement option >> for the NPanday poddling... > > -1 for now. > > Unless I missed something I don't see any mention of this on the > NPanday mailing list at > > > Although activity is minimal, IMO a warning is needed there before > voting on retirement. I have always imagined this process to be: 1. IPMC firms up its opinion via VOTE 2. An IPMC chair reaches out to the community suggesting a retirement option based on the collective IPMC opinion recorded as an outcome of the VOTE. 3. Unless there's no objections from the community the process ends in retirement. 4. If there's an objection from the community we continue the dialogue. I'm happy to reach out first, but I honestly don't see how I can communicate anything to them, but my personal opinion. IOW, the whole point of the vote is to be able to have a link that I can forward to the community and engage in a retirement conversation with them as opposed to an open ended one. Keep in mind, that nobody is saying that just because IPMC voted to suggest a retirement option the project immediately gets retired. In fact, the VOTE is just that -- a formal signal from IPMC what we collectively feels is the best option for the project. Makes sense? Thanks, Roman. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: