On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Ross Gardler (MS OPEN TECH)
<ross.gard...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Mentors should raise the issue with the podling. If the mentors are absent 
> then maybe the problem
> doesn't lie with the podling but with our handling of it.

The only active mentors left on the project seem to be of an
opinion that retiring is the best option at this point. I will
let them comment themselves, so I don't have to
put words in their mouths, though.

> A VOTE should be a formality used on the few occasions
> where our bye-laws require them. It certainly should not,
> IMHO, be a stick to wave in front of a struggling podling
> community (which I appreciate is not the intention but it
> does look that way).

The community was given plenty of chances and plenty
of help was provided to it (see my summary at the beginning
of the thread). The community has between 1-2 active
mentor (Konstantin/Brett) . The problem is that it doesn't
have anything else.

This is actually part of the reason I don't see a point
of sending email to their list, until we have something
concrete we can communicate to them.

That said -- emails are cheap, but let me ask you this,
what should this email state? What should it ask?


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