On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

> On Sep 25, 2013, at 3:54 AM, Lieven Govaerts <lieven.govae...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >  and that the incubator
> > promotes this as 'the right thing to do' (which I didn''t know until
> > now).
> Because it's NOT true. The right thing to do is what the
> podling determines; the whole problem was with uncontrolled
> piling on of completely unqualified people (for anyone who cared
> to read the entire thread), not *just* with additional committers being
> added to the proposal.
> It was the *method* that was the issue, not the actual
> act of "adding" committers per se.
> From Roy in
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/200607.mbox/%3c55d28a90-8584-4410-b38c-e884f7926...@gbiv.com%3e
> :
>   There is nothing wrong with the proposer asking for and accepting
>   additional committers from the wide world of ASF.  I did that for
>   Jackrabbit, for example, specifically because I wanted a lot of
>   experienced ASF folks to help mentor the project (even though I was
>   the only "official" Mentor).  However, that is significantly different
>   from any wiki reader being able to add themselves just because they
>   (or their boss) thinks it might be worth getting in on the ground
>   floor of a project.
> IMO, the proposal always implies asking for help. That is, when
> I see a proposal proposed, I expect that the person is looking
> for feedback to their proposal, and would take "Great idea; I'd
> love to help. Could I be added as a committer?" as indication
> of someone who wants to help and can be added in a very low-risk
> fashion. The problem is that my world-view didn't jive w/ Alex
> nor Dave.
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Best Regards,
-- Alex

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