On Sep 25, 2013, at 3:54 AM, Lieven Govaerts <lieven.govae...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  and that the incubator
> promotes this as 'the right thing to do' (which I didn''t know until
> now).

Because it's NOT true. The right thing to do is what the
podling determines; the whole problem was with uncontrolled
piling on of completely unqualified people (for anyone who cared
to read the entire thread), not *just* with additional committers being
added to the proposal.

It was the *method* that was the issue, not the actual
act of "adding" committers per se.

From Roy in 

  There is nothing wrong with the proposer asking for and accepting
  additional committers from the wide world of ASF.  I did that for
  Jackrabbit, for example, specifically because I wanted a lot of
  experienced ASF folks to help mentor the project (even though I was
  the only "official" Mentor).  However, that is significantly different
  from any wiki reader being able to add themselves just because they
  (or their boss) thinks it might be worth getting in on the ground
  floor of a project.

IMO, the proposal always implies asking for help. That is, when
I see a proposal proposed, I expect that the person is looking
for feedback to their proposal, and would take "Great idea; I'd
love to help. Could I be added as a committer?" as indication
of someone who wants to help and can be added in a very low-risk
fashion. The problem is that my world-view didn't jive w/ Alex
nor Dave.
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