No. A new vote is required.

On Sep 25, 2013, at 1:41 PM, Dave <> wrote:

> Thanks Sanjiva. I'm glad we we able to get things sorted out. And, thanks
> to everybody who gave us feedback and +1 votes.
> Since Usergrid is in need, I'd like to volunteer to be the champion.
> Since this is a change to the proposal I think we should edit the proposal
> and then I will nominate as the champion is supposed to do, then call a
> vote. Alternatively, since we do have the +1 votes we need on the proposal
> we could simply proceed and enter the Incubator. What is the consensus
> here? Are there some precedents we can learn from?
> Thanks,
> - Dave
> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Sanjiva Weerawarana <>wrote:
>> I think there's just a lot of misunderstanding and overreaction over
>> nothing .. all based on presumed negative intent.
>> Time to get past this and get the project going! I will not offer to mentor
>> nor will WSO2 commit our folks to it at this point (yes Alex as CEO I will
>> decide whether we commit work time to this) but that's fine - there's
>> plenty of other mentors and this project can easily get a community going
>> without our help.
>> Sanjiva.
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 6:42 PM, Joseph Schaefer <
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for clearing that up Jim.  Now who is going to make peace over all
>>> the spilled milk here?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Sep 25, 2013, at 6:12 AM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 25, 2013, at 12:39 AM, Joseph Schaefer <
>>> wrote:
>>>>> All things
>>>>> considered, would it be better if Sanjiva and colleagues
>>>>> ASKED to be included in the proposal instead of just adding
>>>>> themselves in an ad hoc fashion?
>>>> Which is exactly what they did. They expressed an interest
>>>> and were added when they specifically requested, and
>>>> the adding was done by myself as Champion since I
>>>> deemed the request "sufficient".
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>> --
>> Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
>> Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
>> email:; phone: +94 11 763 9614; cell: +94 77 787 6880 |
>> +1
>> 650 265 8311
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>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

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