On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Deepal jayasinghe <deep...@gmail.com>wrote:

> > It's a community that brings the project.  That community doesn't cease
> to exist just because it is subsumed into Apache.  A TLP's community gets
> to decide who to accept as a new community member, based on merit (with the
> board's oversight to make sure it isn't dominated by a single commercial
> entity).  Why should an incubating project not have the same privilege?
> I agree, and think this is something we need to address in the podling
> process and guidelines. Unless someone is an ASF member or committer
> then (s)he cannot become an initial committer of the project (this does
> not valid to the people who are bringing the project). I am +1 for
> making the process right.
The process is only right when they earn their place through a meritocratic
process. This way they're not just joining or leaving at the request of the

If we see this as normal and OK with the ASF then we've lost our character.
This ain't the Apache I know.

Best Regards,
-- Alex

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