On Sep 24, 2013, at 7:21 PM, Ed Anuff <e...@anuff.com> wrote:

> Sanjiva, two points I'd like to make:
> 1) You have stated from your first email on this topic that you'd like to
> introduce a dependency on Stratos.  The community doesn't want to do this.

Ignoring the whole 'what it is' that the community doesn't want
to do (the Stratos thing which I myself addressed), it's useful
to recall that we really don't know what "the commumity" wants
or does not want, if by "community" we mean the Usergrid podling
community. Maybe the current Usergrid community doesn't, but that
doesn't mean that eventually "the community" might want otherwise.

To be clear, this has nothing to do with the specifics, but
rather a reminder that when a project becomes an *Apache*
project, the direction, goals and desires of the project
come from the community around it, and not from any corporate
entity "involved" in it. With healthy projects, this is
done via the PMC, but for podlings, it places a MUCH
larger chunk of that responsibility onto the Mentors...
These Mentors would step in and prevent, for example,
WSO2 employees from pushing a WSO2 agenda, same as they
would prevent a similar Apigee effort. Or Oracle. Or

If I could offer one final word of advice: when this
proposal is resubmitted (if it is), add some Mentors who
fully grok this, and have the guts to back it up and to
Do What's Right for the sake of the podling.

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