Jim, thanks for your efforts on this.  Appreciate all your help so far.


> On Sep 24, 2013, at 4:39 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 24, 2013, at 4:21 PM, Ed Anuff <e...@anuff.com> wrote:
>> We definitely want participation, that's what this is all about, but I'm a 
>> little bit surprised at the number of folks all from the same company 
>> affiliation who want to be committers that have had heretofore no 
>> involvement or interest in the project for it's previous 2 years of ASLv2 
>> existence on GitHub.  Would really like to see some code contributions to at 
>> least make sure there's an understanding of the architecture, but maybe 
>> that's not the way the process works.
> It's not. The idea of coming to Apache is to build
> a community around it. The fact that you were unable
> to do so at Github, or that people had no involvement or
> interest while there, is somewhat immaterial. What if
> it had been a closed-source project? Would you wish to
> prevent interested people from joining then as well?
> The more successful podlings are those who tried to
> start building community from the start, with the actual
> proposal, and allowing people to express their interest
> and desire to be part of that community from the get-go.
> But it is no longer my direct concern since I decline to
> be Champion for this proposal any longer. If things aren't
> fun, I don't want to be bothered.
>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Alex Karasulu <akaras...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 02:40:19PM +0200, Lieven Govaerts wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
>>>>> Alex, if people want to join and add themselves as
>>>>> committers, then they can. The bar to entry for podlings
>>>>> during the initial proposal stage is "I'm interested" :)
>>>> Is there some more background available on why the barrier is set this
>>>> low in the incubator? It seems unnatural to me. A large part of
>>>> incubation of course is to attract new committers, but why not let the
>>>> podling decide on which barrier it wants to use?
>>> I said "initial proposal stage." After accepted and it actually becomes
>>> a podling then, of course, the podling decides how high or low that
>>> bar is.
>>> But we aren't talking about that.
>> So during the "initial proposal stage" anyone who volunteers goes in
>> without having to contribute? There's no input from the perspective
>> podliing?
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> -- Alex

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