Since I realize that most of you can't be
bothered to look at the wiki page I created ;-),
I'll go ahead and post the current content
here for commentary.  I hope the bulk of it
is non-controversial, though some of it may
not belong on the page...

First a clarification- as provisional constructs of the Incubator PMC, podlings 
have no official standing in the corporation known as The Apache Software 
Foundation. So technically, it is a farce to claim that podlings have any 
formal rights whatsoever. What we write about here are promises and covenants 
the Incubator PMC will make a good-faith effort to honor.

    1. First, podlings have a right to expect active participation and guidance 
from their mentors. That minimally includes participation in release votes, 
discussions and votes on new personnel, and signing off on a podling's 
quarterly reports.

    2. Mentoring is done solely for the podling's benefit, and as such podlings 
have the right to fire mentors for any reason by a majority consensus vote on 
their private list. Just don't be denigrating about it, since mentors are 
always volunteers and not paid staff.

    3. Podlings who find themselves in need of additional mentors have the 
right to ask general@incubator for more mentors to volunteer.

    4. Podlings have the right to expect their quarterly reports to be read, 
reviewed, and critiqued by "shepherds" on the Incubator PMC, who are typically 
outside the podling's set of mentors.

    5. Podlings have the right to express private concerns about anything 
related to their incubation to the Incubator Ombudsman <ombudsman@incubator>, 
who will handle such communications as if they were sent anonymously.

    6. Podlings have the right to express their opinions concerning their 
incubation efforts post-graduation (or post-mortem) in the form of an anonymous 

    7. Podlings have the right to ignore commentary made on general@incubator 
in the middle of a VOTE thread, especially during releases. Reminder- release 
votes are a majority consensus vote, so seeing a few -1's occasionally is 
expected and often ignorable by the RM should they otherwise see a majority of 
at least 3 binding IPMC votes.

    8. Podling committers have the right to remain unsubscribed to 
general@incubator. Any relevant policy/process changes will be passed along by 
the podling's mentors.

Comments and critiques welcome.  I'd like to
move the ball forward to a ceremonial endorsement
VOTE on this over the course of the remainder
of June, so please be constructive!

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