On May 23, 2012, at 10:15 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:

> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Ralph Goers
> <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
>> Right after I read Jukka's email that started this thread and I posted my 
>> reply and discovered to my shock that they had started a graduation vote.  I 
>> am shocked because I have pointed out repeatedly the project's complete lack 
>> of diversity.  Virtually all the active PMC members and committers work for 
>> the same employer.  I have told them several times that I would actually 
>> like to participate in the project but the way the project works is very 
>> different then every other project I am involved with at the ASF and the 
>> barriers to figure out what is actually going on is very high. Almost 
>> nothing is discussed directly on the dev list - it is all done through Jira 
>> issues or the Review tool.  While all the Jira issue updates and reviews are 
>> sent to the dev list most of that is just noise.  Feel free to review the 
>> dev list archives to see what I am talking about.
> I don't follow flume, but I'd propose to soften your objection only
> slightly. I've met other groups of people who like a JIRA centric view
> of the world. I suspect that if they did a bunch of other good things
> called out below, you or others would find the JIRA business
> digestible. Also, on the other hand, I fear that the co-employed
> contributors are collaborating in the hallway, and the lack of the
> context in JIRA or on the list is contributing to the problem.

I have reason to doubt the collaboration in the hallway aspect and I certainly 
do not doubt everyone's good intent.  I'm not objecting to the collaboration 
style as an issue preventing graduation. I'm just saying I find it difficult to 
participate with that style and that simply makes me wonder if that is making 
it harder to attract new committers.  I fully realize that that issue might 
just be with me, but the fact remains that there is practically no diversity in 
the project and I cannot in good conscience recommend graduation for a project 
in that situation.


>> Needless to say, when the graduation proposal reaches this list, and I'm 
>> sure it will, I will strongly endorse the IPMC to reject the proposal.
>> FWIW, I found the post below to be 100% on target.
>> Ralph
>> On May 23, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Patrick Hunt <ph...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Perhaps someone will have some insight on how to gather new
>>>> contributors that hasn't been tried yet?
>>> Jukka's written on this subject multiple times in the past.  Here are two
>>> gems, one from a while back, the other recent:
>>>    http://markmail.org/message/o3gbgam4ny2upqte
>>>    Most of the cases I've been involved so far of podlings in the "hoping
>>>    some more people come along" have had symptoms of the project team not
>>>    paying enough attention on making it easy for new contributors to show up
>>>    and stick around. Things like complex and undocumented build steps,
>>>    missing "Getting started" or "Getting involved" guides, lack of quick and
>>>    positive feedback to newcomers, etc., are all too common. Fixing even 
>>> just
>>>    some of such things will dramatically increase the odds of new people
>>>    showing up.
>>>    Those are things that are very easy to overlook when you're working on
>>>    your first open source projects (it took me years to learn those 
>>> lessons),
>>>    but we here have a massive amount of collective experience on such 
>>> things.
>>>    That's what we could and IMHO should be sharing with the podlings. That's
>>>    what "mentoring" to me is about and that's where our most precious "added
>>>    value" is. Otherwise incubation just boils down to an indoctrination
>>>    period on how to apply and conform to the various Apache rules and
>>>    policies.
>>>    http://incubator.markmail.org/thread/qpzg6wdoq7cwko55
>>>    I've been involved with quite a few podlings with similar problems in
>>>    attracting longer-term contributors. In my experience the best way to
>>>    solve that problem is to change your mindset of expecting most such 
>>> people
>>>    to be just one-off contributors. If you instead treat them as your next
>>>    new committers and engage with them as peers, many (though of course not
>>>    all) will respond in kind and actually become more involved.
>>>    Many developers, especially from commercial backgrounds, tend to treat
>>>    such contributors as just users reporting a problem. A typical 
>>> interaction
>>>    goes like "What's the problem? Do you have a test case? OK, let me fix it
>>>    (when I get around to it)." A better approach is something like "What's
>>>    the problem? OK, here are some pointers to the relevant bits in code. How
>>>    do you think this should be fixed?"
>>> Here's another tip I picked up from Joe Schaefer: when you're voting in a 
>>> new
>>> committer and they have a big patch set sitting in the queue, hold off and 
>>> let
>>> *them* commit it so that they get the satisfaction, the new experience, and 
>>> the
>>> appreciation all at once.
>>> It would be nice if stuff like this was collected in "Steps to building a
>>> community" documentation somewhere, rather than scattered through the email
>>> archives.  I suggest "Steps" as a format because different approaches are
>>> required at different phases of the project and sizes of the community.
>>> Marvin Humphrey
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