+1 to retire Bluesky (binding)

I see no reason for suspending the vote. We've been round this
particular merry-go-round many times already. Each time we're told
"we'll do better". The votes been called lets just move on, the ASF is
not the right home for this project for the reasons already discussed.

On 28 June 2011 06:49, berndf <ber...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> this is a vote to retire the Bluesky podling.
> 3.5 years into incubation, the podling has not made progress in terms of
> becoming an Apache project. Dev is still done behind closed doors, and
> developers are changing frequently without notifications on the public
> lists. Mentors are M.I.A. Reports are often late. No Apache release was
> every made.
> There were multiple attempts to reboot the podling (Thanks Luciano!)
> without much success.
> So now I'm calling a vote to end Incubation for Bluesky.
> The vote is open at least until 2011-07-02 12:00 UTC.
> [] +1, retire Bluesky for the time being
> [] -0/+0, I'm undecided
> [] -1, I will step up as a mentor, so let's give it another try
> Thanks for voting,
>  Bernd
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Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
Programme Leader (Open Development)
OpenDirective http://opendirective.com

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