On 03/06/2011 15:01, Ian Lynch wrote:
So the safest community strategy is to develop community driven business models that can sustain the project. I said this back in 2004 and went off to do it because of no understanding in the community leaders or Sun at the time. If 10% of the effort put into the project was in developing sustainable service businesses around the product it would be very likely that the project could become independent of large companies.
This is fundamental to the way we do things around here. We don't care *why* any individual wants to volunteer. We don't care *who* is paying their salary. All we care about is that they contribute in a way that is fair to the broader community. The intention is to allow everyone to carve their niche and satisfy their personal goals, whether that is to have fun, to make money, to educate themselves, to bring about world peace or just to kill some time.
Certification, merchandising and support are all possible revenue streams but they need strategic planning, expertise and focus.
Absolutely here at the ASF we like to say it's really about the community - code will emerge as the result of a healthy inclusive community. I'm really pleased to see you've signed up as an initial committer to help ensure the project is supportive of some of the non-code related aspects. You are absolutely right, it's not all about code.
The only thing we require is that the effort put into building businesses does not impact the neutrality of the ASF and its projects.
This is why, inside the ASF, we expect individuals to represent the communities interests not their commercial or their employers interests.
Ross --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org