So I found it:

Please take a look at [1]

If this document is not normative, please let me know. Granted, it says "should" and not "must", so if there is a discussion presumably it's about whether "should" means "must".

Otherwise, let's shut this discussion down and start following the rules.


[1] If An Artifact Contains Code Under Several Licenses, Should It Contain Several License Files?
No - all license information should be contained in the LICENSE file.

When an artifact contains code under several licenses, the LICENSE file should contain details of all these licenses. For each component which is not Apache licensed, details of the component and the license under which the component is distributed should be appended to the LICENSE file. is an example.

On Aug 18, 2009, at 4:11 PM, sebb wrote:

On 18/08/2009, Ralph Goers <> wrote:

On Aug 18, 2009, at 11:23 AM, Craig L Russell wrote:

Hi Ant,

I didn't intend to make up stuff on the fly, especially policy.

After having been through the fine points of LICENSE vs. NOTICE so many
times, I thought the consensus was to put *all* licenses into the top level LICENSE file. But having just scoured the official public pages promulgating
policy, I can't find it.

Let's continue the discussion.

I still believe that it's bad form to put licenses in several places in
distributions because users might not find them and thereby not know what
they're getting.

You may consider it bad form, but until it is actually documented as
incubator or ASF policy I wouldn't consider it to be enough to block a release. Especially since I am quite sure there will be a debate about
whether it must be one way or the other.

Surely we should be making things easy for the end-users of the software?

AIUI ASF policy is for there to be "no surprises".

Having a single starting point - the LICENSE and NOTICE files in the
top-level directory - seems to me to be the way to do this.

It's really unfair to expect end-users to trawl around the directory
structure looking for license files, whose names are non-standard.

It's really not very much to ask; and it only has to be done once for
each 3rd party library.

Yes it's tedious to get things set up initially, but the benefit of
such standardisation is to make it much easier for the end-user, which
is surely what we should be aiming for.


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Craig L Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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