----- Original Message ---- > From: ant elder <ant.el...@gmail.com> > To: general@incubator.apache.org > Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:53:25 AM > Subject: Making up policy on the fly > > For a while now on general@ we've had people come along during a > poddling release votes and raise issues about things that aren't > backed up by clear ASF policy or reasonably obvious consensus in > behaviour of existing TLPs.
Incubator is free to set it's own policy, so long as it's in line with ASF policy. Anyone who's suffered through the releasemanagement.xml guide can get a reasonable picture of what goes in the LICENSE file, and that's in line with what both Sebb and I are saying. FTR, neither one of us has cast a vote on the cassandra release. Sebb isn't even on the IPMC AFAICT, so what exactly is your problem with him speaking up? > Often poddlings just buckle and do a > respin as thats easier than debating the point and that has caused the > raised issues to be misunderstood as a real problems and it becomes a > sort of defacto policy. I don't think we should be blocking poddling > releases based on the whims of who ever happens to be active at the > time on gene...@. Whims my ass, what's being discusssed is best practice, as documented by this PMC. > Its causing lots of frustrations and doesn't make us > look particularly smart. If there's not clear ASF policy saying > something must not happen then we should let them release, especially > when other TLPs are doing the same thing. > > For the recent LICENSE and NOTICE file issues the current policy > allows for the different approaches, different TLPs use different > approaches, there's not been consensus on a single approach, and there > are relevant JIRAs open with legal that aren't yet resolved. Shouldn't > we not be preempting any resolution about this and let poddlings > release until the policy is clarified? People are free to speak their minds and argue out their points as they see fit. What actually counts are the votes, and people are free to cast those as they see fit. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org