On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> wrote:
> Seems like perfect timing :)
> We just discussed our options last week in the Sanselan project. As
> Craig already summarized this, Sanselan has these options: graduate into
> commons (incubator), indefinite incubation, expulsion from Apache or
> incorporation into another TLP. Of course in theory it could become a
> TLP by itself, but I don't think that this will ever happen :)
> Expulsion or indefinite incubation are bad options as well and we don't
> see any other TLP than commons fit for the purpose of Sanselan.
> So, by crossing out all other options :) graduating to commons incubator
> seems like a good way forward.

>From a quick glance at the commits list[1] seems that Sanselan only
really has one committer which could be problematic in getting it
accepted as a "proper" component. Graduating to Commons Sandbox may
not be that appealing since unlike incubator we don't permit releases
from the Sandbox. Anyway I would suggest the next step is to see
whether Commons would accept Sanselan or not.


[1] http://markmail.org/search/list:org.apache.incubator.sanselan-commits

> Carsten

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