On 15/08/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't think we (the ASF) need to support the weakest link of the
chain either. if a member
can't access a project due to limitations of corporate policy or
timezone, we should be OK with that too.
not every member has to be able to participate in a project. as long
as the project is healthy, I'm not
sure what the problem is.

Ian this attitude disturbs me, don't make the mistake of thinking that
the ASF is big enough to  be able to afford to start excluding
valuable people and/or groups on the grounds of technology alone.
Start making it harder, or more complicated, for people to participate
and they *will* leave.

I don't see why email, as the lowest common denominator, is not
perfectly fit for the purpose.

There is no reason why people can't carry on other forms of
communication, but in order to keep the community alive we should want
to include in the debate everyone who has something to contribute.


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