you can either acknowledge that some people prefer to use IRC
to communicate, and accept that while it isn't the best medium, or the one
you would choose, it is the one that group prefers.


you can try to stifle their choice, and force them to use something which isn't natural to them (in this case a mailing list), in which case they will just think
of the ASF as a bunch of old timers who like red-tape. (and leave)

I personally would prefer an established process for IRC be developed so
groups can use it. maybe getting one of the participants to blog about what happened might work.
(because like or not, they are going to use it).

As for the time difference.. poppycock. I'm probably one of the most excluded people here timezone wise, and mailing lists can be just as bad, with entire conversations started and ended while I sleep. (even board meetings are set up at 2AM my time)

I don't think we (the ASF) need to support the weakest link of the chain either. if a member can't access a project due to limitations of corporate policy or timezone, we should be OK with that too. not every member has to be able to participate in a project. as long as the project is healthy, I'm not
sure what the problem is.


On 15/08/2006, at 1:53 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

I am finding it somewhat unsettling that there is an increase
in the amount of off-list "development" being done (via IRC)
as well as a decreased awareness of WHY Email is the preferred

Too many times I see things like "Oh, we discuss things on
IRC and then bring it back to the list" as if the list was
simply a "dropping ground" for ideas, instead of the place
where they are discussed.

One also needs to recall that community building can be
done *after the fact*, that is, not in real-time. The
community learns about each other in a shared, non-exclusionary
method. Private Email/IM/IRC does NOT foster that.

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Ian Holsman
[EMAIL PROTECTED] it's about the medicine

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