Hi Andreas!
Andreas Kuckartz wrote:
I think that it should be the task of the Apache Incubator to help exiting the incubator. It should not try to artificially block releases.
actually, the task of the incubator is to help projects and people find their place in the asf whilst simultaneously protecting the interests of the ASF. It is the task of the projects being incubated to work towards exiting the incubator. The incubator will offer guidance and advice (mostly in the form of one or two mentors), but if it is deemed in the best interest of the ASF, yes, that takes precedence.
The blockade(s) put up by the incubator are not artificial. They're there to help ensure projects do things "the apache way". In this case, Noel has raised some perfectly valid concerns about files living on http://www.apache.org/dist/ without a PMC putting them there (which is a *big thing*, for legal and other reasons). If I were lenya, I wouldn't complain about constraints, but just address those concerns. You will see constraints vanishing in smoke.
- Leo
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