> Facts show us that PMCs left on their own do not overlook
> an incubation process correctly.

Clearly there are lines of communication that can be improved, as well as
roles and responsibilities to clarify.  Incubation can be collaborative.
And the behavior that the podling sees between its parents is going to set
an example, which is something that both the Sponsor and Shephard should
take into account in how they interact with each other, as well as with the

Starting with displaying respect, even in the face of disagreement.

> 1 - votes the projects into Apache after check that all the
>     nitty-gritty stuff has been taken care of
> 2 - serves as a central place to store incubation history
>     and information
> 3 - serves as a place where to discuss incubation per se,
>     where shepherds, sponsors and project members can confront
> 4 - serves as a place where to incubate TLP

Good list.  I see that Berin just responded to it, agreeing and asking for a
bit of clarification.

        --- Noel

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