Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
the members came to consensus agreeing that project umbrellas are a pain in the ass and a PMC should be as close as possible to the code it develops, as to increase the ability to do proper legal oversight. [note: this notion is in *strong* contrast with this virtual-PMC...

It is not.

Lenya is being incubated under the Cocoon PMC. The Chair of that PMC is the sponsor. What happened with the latest Xopus incident it was the Incubator Shepherd, not the Cocoon PMC that started cleaning stuff and addressing the issues.

So don't talk to me about virtual stuff, when the recent history shows that the Cocoon PMC, of which you are an important part, has been as virtual as ever, despite being given all the liberty possible in incubating Lenya.

You want to Incubate Lenya? You are free and *encouraged* to do so, nobody has prevented you or any other person on earth from doing it.

which, IMO, should be redesigned since it clearly creates more beaurocracy than any good]

The problem is that it has *not* created yet any beaurocracy. People complain about lack of rules, not because there are too many.

We have only one true rule, that we should vote for a project to be accepted fully at Apache, based on a simple checklist.

If this is beaurocracy...

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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