Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
Steven Noels wrote:

I just want to say that this requirement of sponsors which should be members was totally unclear to me when I started talking and working with the BEA peeps (Cliff Schmidt). So even if this was meant to be by design, it wasn't very obvious from the information available at the time.

Ted took over my role at some point in time, something which I greatly appreciated. Still, if I would have known this before, I might have been looking for a sponsor sooner.

perfectly understandable, since it isn't official policy yet.  there
*isn't* an official policy at the moment.

... which could hardly qualify things as being "by design". I lack time currently to work constructively with the Incubator PMC, but it's this feeling which - I assume - annoys people: rules haven't been designed - there invented along the way, and not through a community process.

Steven Noels                  
Outerthought - Open Source Java & XML            An Orixo Member
Read my weblog at  
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