On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 03:16:43PM -0600, Martin Sebor wrote:
> > Just look at the start of this thread.  Some people put
> > the [PRnnnnn] only in the first line of the commit.  And that is
> > what these changes want to diagnose, that is an error and results
> > in bugzilla not being updated.
> That's Tobias' proposal, yes:
>   One options would be to require a 'PR <comp>/<nnnnn+>' line if there
>   is 'PRnnnnn+' in the commit title, rejecting the commit otherwise.
> I can't think of why rejecting such commits is preferable to having
> the script fix them up by copying the PRnnnn strings from the ChangeLog
> entries in the commit message into the first line.  So that's my
> counterproposal: make the script do the tedious work for us.

You keep the direction wrong.  What will be rejected is [PR123456]
in the first line and no PR in the ChangeLog.  People make this mistake
That isn't something the script can easily add, first of all, the component
is missing, the script would need to query bugzilla to find that out.
And, it should be user's choice where exactly in the ChangeLog the PR goes,
if it goes into every ChangeLog file, or e.g. just one etc., and that
depends on where exactly the user specified it.


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