On 24 June 2013 18:38, Luca Saiu <posit...@gnu.org> wrote:
> On 2013-06-24 at 19:14, Iain Buclaw wrote:
>> My talk at Dconf2013 can be bulleted into the following:
>> - What is GDC?
>> - A brief history of porting the D language to GCC.
>> - D language and library support, including current challenges being faced.
>> - Introduction to GCC, in particular an overview of the compilation
>> process from GENERIC down to RTL and how things tie in with the D
>> front end.
>> - Taking advantage of the GCC backend.  What features of GCC are
>> leveraged by the D front end (eg: builtin functions, extended
>> assembler)
>> - Future goals and architecture support.
> Cool for me.  If we have Philip's talk as well then part of your fourth
> point might become redundant, but it's quite small fraction of the talk.
> Of course you can reuse slides.  We all do :-).

As I said, I can rehash some of what was gone over and perhaps focus
more on challenges of representing the D language within GCC.  (Eg:
Delegates, Thunks, TLS symbols and D runtime...)

>> Have registered myself.  I'll have to confirm my availability.
> Oh, sorry.  I'm marking your name as "to be confirmed" then.

No problem mate, I'll let you know as soon as possible.

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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