On 2013-06-24 at 19:14, Iain Buclaw wrote:

> My talk at Dconf2013 can be bulleted into the following:
> - What is GDC?
> - A brief history of porting the D language to GCC.
> - D language and library support, including current challenges being faced.
> - Introduction to GCC, in particular an overview of the compilation
> process from GENERIC down to RTL and how things tie in with the D
> front end.
> - Taking advantage of the GCC backend.  What features of GCC are
> leveraged by the D front end (eg: builtin functions, extended
> assembler)
> - Future goals and architecture support.

Cool for me.  If we have Philip's talk as well then part of your fourth
point might become redundant, but it's quite small fraction of the talk.

Of course you can reuse slides.  We all do :-).

> Have registered myself.  I'll have to confirm my availability.

Oh, sorry.  I'm marking your name as "to be confirmed" then.


Luca Saiu
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GNU epsilon: http://www.gnu.org/software/epsilon
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