Hello Philip.

On 2013-06-23 at 16:52, Philip Herron wrote:

> I would like to do a talk on writing a front-end from my experience
> with my python front-end

That sounds very interesting.

> but not sure if i  can schedule it in time
> since i am moving house at the moment but i might is there a deadline
> for a talk submission?

We're keeping the organization very informal, so don't worry too much
about submission deadlines.  If you think you'll be definitely able to
attend, I can add you to the official page right now; otherwise I can
mark your talk as "to be confirmed".  Just tell me.

It's not a problem if you finish preparing the talk at the last minute;
we'd like to publish presentation slides and such as well as videos, but
we can add them later.

Please subscribe to ghm-discuss (Cc'd; the subscription web interface is
at https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/ghm-discuss ), so that we can
discuss about your talk without bothering the other gcc people.


Luca Saiu
Home page:   http://ageinghacker.net
GNU epsilon: http://www.gnu.org/software/epsilon
Marionnet:   http://marionnet.org

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