On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Paulo J. Matos <pa...@matos-sorge.com> wrote:
> On 26/07/12 13:27, Richard Guenther wrote:
>>> Why would the fill value in a memset call be required to fit in a host
>>> char?
>> Obviously because of the implementation detail of its caller.
>> Richard.
> Richard, I am sorry if I was not more clear. I understand that this is
> required because the caller uses a pointer to a char to pass the value of
> the fill, therefore the fill must fill in a host char. But is there any
> reason to introduce this constraint?

Simplicity and testing matrix of the one who wrote this code.  Patches
welcome I guess.


> Wouldn't it be more flexible, albeit probably more complex, to pass the
> value through a TARGET char or a HOST type as big as a TARGET char?
> Cheers,
> --
> PMatos

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