On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Basile Starynkevitch
<bas...@starynkevitch.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 10:30:36 -0700
> Xinliang David Li <davi...@google.com> wrote:
> [..]
>> yes -- GCC is not considered old and not 'cool' -- so it is hard to
>> advertise. One criteria to see GCC's future popularity is how widely
>> it is adopted by academia ..
> Do you mean used by academia (including teaching programming with students 
> using GCC), or
> do you mean that academia is teaching the internals of GCC, and e.g. have 
> lots of e.g.
> PhD students & professors doing their research using and *improving* GCC.

I don't see how acceptable plugins for GCC would make my students' life
easy for the projects they are currently working on.  But, I can see
other projects
with less invasive structures -- but then there are many alternative
out there that would make such projects just as easy (starting with eclipse or
clang) for the kind of things academia is usually excited about.

-- Gaby

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