On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Torvald Riegel <trie...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-04-11 at 11:24 +0200, Richard Guenther wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Torvald Riegel <trie...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> > Think about programmers new to GCC for a second, and about code
>> > completion tools.
>> Honestly I care 1000 times more for existing GCC developers.  Before
>> new programmers will have an easier time with GCC _existing_ GCC
>> developers will have to spend at least two GCC release cycles (that's
>> very optimistic) turning the GCC codebase upside-down.  Every
>> existing GCC developer you lose on that way will slow down that
>> process and for every existing GCC developer you probably need more
>> that one "new" GCC developer starting.
>> It's very easy for me to do the math and conclude that losing even _one_
>> experienced existing GCC developer makes this whole transition-to-C++
>> thing a non-starter.
> I agree that less work-force in the transition would be a problem.  But
> is C++ (perceived to be) so bad that it would make people change their
> jobs?  I mean, we're not talking about the experienced hobbyists here,
> or are we?
> However, the concern you raised is only one part of the problem.  The
> other is that, put in a simplified way, GCC is competing with LLVM about
> new and/or non-fulltime-compiler developers.  For me, it looks like LLVM
> is more appealing to them, and I believe part of the reason for that is
> the codebase.
> Now, how many release cycles do we have until LLVM is basically good
> enough to be used as a distro compiler (e.g., until code quality and
> confidence in bug freedom is sufficiently similar)?  If we haven't
> ensured that GCC is appealing by this time, why should new programmers
> then start considering GCC and not just go by default to LLVM?

Yes -- this should be the main motivation factor for GCC to make major
changes or even leapfrog -- LLVM is also more than 10 years old.


>> >  It seems to me that with such a tool it's much easier
>> > to navigate from exp to the field, than having to scan through a much
>> > larger number of accessor functions / macros (GET_*).  The former
>> > example starts at the source (exp) and yields/"builds" the result; the
>> > latter names some function and then says applies it to the source.  Why
>> > is the former so much worse?  To me, the former's structure is easier to
>> > see, and if I would have to put the spaghetti tag on something, then the
>> > latter.
>> Sounds more like missed features or bugs in the tools you use.  Heh,
>> after all our complaints that C++ will be harder to debug are deflected
>> to "that are gdb missing features / bugs".  So - file bugs against Eclipse
>> (or whatever new and shiny programmers use these days), that it does
>> not work well with a codebase like GCC.
> Please don't dismiss this so easily.  Of course this is just an example
> and nothing major, but I believe many people will use tab completion on
> the shell, for example, and code completion is really similar.  On the
> shell, or with paths names, you start with typing something, then can
> navigate from this context you provided.  That just works better when
> you say context->function instead of function(context).
> And I'm not a cognitive psychologist, but to me, seeing the context
> first when reading left-to-right is also slightly easier to read.

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